
Register fixtures to be used automatically when entering a scope.


Create a new test case to be used with parametrized tests.


A decorator to create a new fixture.


Create a test for each case, each test calling the given func.


Scope for which the fixture.



pytypest.autouse(*fixtures: Fixture[[], None]) None

Register fixtures to be used automatically when entering a scope.

Can be called only once in runtime.


Create a new test case to be used with parametrized tests.

def _test_add(a: int, b: int, exp: int):
    assert a + b == exp

test_add = parametrize(
    case(4, 5, exp=9),
pytypest.fixture(callback: None = None, *, scope: Literal[Scope.FUNCTION] = Scope.FUNCTION) FixtureMaker
pytypest.fixture(callback: None = None, *, scope: Scope) FixtureMakerWithScope
pytypest.fixture(callback: Callable[P, Iterator[R]]) Fixture[P, R]
pytypest.fixture(callback: Callable[P, R]) Fixture[P, R]

A decorator to create a new fixture.

Fixtures are executed only when called, cached for the given scope, and may have teardown logic that is executed when exiting the scope.

def get_user() -> Iterator[User]:
    # setup
    u = User()
    # fixtures can use other fixtures
    db = get_database()

    # provide data for the test
    yield u

    # teardown

You can call the fixture to get the yielded value:

def test_user():
    user = get_user()

Or you can use it as a context manager:

def test_user():
    with get_user as user:

Fixtures can accept arguments:

def get_user(name: str):

def test_user():
    conn = get_user(name='Guido')

Fixtures without teardown may use return instead of yield:

def get_user() -> User:
    return User()

Fixtures can be called not only from test functions, but from other fixtures, pytest fixtures, or helper functions within a test run.

pytypest.parametrize(func: Callable[[P], None], *cases: Case[P], **named_cases: Case[P]) Callable[[], None]

Create a test for each case, each test calling the given func.

def _test_add(a: int, b: int, exp: int) -> None:
    assert a + b == exp

test_add = parametrize(
    case(3, 4, exp=7),
    case(4, 5, exp=9),
    zeros=case(0, 0, exp=0),
class pytypest.Scope

Scope for which the fixture.

The scope defines when the fixture cache will be reset and the teardown executed.

FUNCTION = 'function'

Default. Teardown is called at the end of the test function.

CLASS = 'class'

Teardown is called after the last test in a test class.

MODULE = 'module'

Teardown is called after the last test in a file.

PACKAGE = 'package'

Experimental. Teardown is called after the last test in a directory.

SESSION = 'session'

Teardown is called after the last tests overall in the current session.


class pytypest._fixture.Fixture

A test fixture with setup and optional teardown.

Should be constructed using pytypest.fixture():

def get_user() -> Iterator[User]:
    ... # setup
    yield User()
    ... # teardown
__call__(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) R

Allows the fixture to be called as a function.

def get_user():

user = get_user()
setup(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) R

Execute setup logic of the fixture and get its result.

Setup is everything that goes before yield or return.

Avoid using this method directly. It doesn’t use cached results, doesn’t use the scope, and doesn’t defer teardown. Prefer calling the fixture or using it as a context manager.

teardown() None

Execute teardown logic of the fixture (if available).

Teardown is the code that goes after yield (if yield is present).

Can be safely called mutiple times.

__enter__() R

Allows the fixture to be used as a context manager.

def get_user():

with get_user as user:

Regardless of the scope, the setup is executed when entering the context, and the teardown is when leaving it.

class pytypest._case.CaseMaker

Create a new test case to be used with parametrized tests.

def _test_add(a: int, b: int, exp: int):
    assert a + b == exp

test_add = parametrize(
    case(4, 5, exp=9),
id(id: str) CaseMaker

Give a name to the test case.

test_logout = parametrize(
tags(*tags: str) CaseMaker

Mark the case with tags that can be used to filter specific tests.

test_logout = parametrize(
    case.tags('slow', 'integration')(user1),
class pytypest._case.Case

A single test case for parametrized tests.

Use pytypest.case() to create a new one.